Kondolenzschreiben auf Englisch


Funeral Etiquette
The funeral is a ceremony of proven worth and value for those who mourn. It provides an opportunity for the survivors and others who share in the loss to express their love, respect, grief and appreciation for a life that has been lived. It permits facing openly and realistically the crisis the death presents. Through the funeral the bereaved take that first step toward emotional adjustment to their loss. This information has been prepared as a convenient reference for modern funeral practices and customs.

The time of death is a very confusing time for family members. No matter what your means of expressing your sympathy, it is important to clearly identify yourself to the family.

Sending a floral tribute is a very appropriate way of expressing sympathy to the family of the deceased. Flowers express a feeling of life and beauty and offer much comfort to the family. A floral tribute can either be sent to the funeral home or the residence. If sent to the residence, usually a planter or a small vase of flowers indicating a person’s continued sympathy for the family is suggested. The florist places an identification card on the floral tribute. At the funeral home the cards are removed from the floral tributes and given to the family so they may acknowledge the tributes sent.

Memorial Donations
A memorial contribution, to a specific cause or charity, can be appreciated as flowers. A large number of memorial funds are available, however the family may have expressed a preference. Memorial donations provide financial support for various projects. If recognized as a charitable institution, some gifts may be deductible for tax purposes. Your funeral director is familiar with them and can explain each option, as well as furnish the donor with "In Memoriam" cards, which are given to the family.

Sympathy Cards
Sending a card of sympathy, even if you are only an acquaintance, is appropriate. It means so much to the family members to know they are in good thoughts. The card should be in good taste and in keeping with your relationship to the family of the deceased.

Personal Note
A personal note of sympathy is very meaningful. Express yourself openly and sincerely. An expression such as "I’m sorry to learn of your personal loss" is welcomed by the family and can be kept with other messages.

Telephone Call
Speaking to a family member gives you an opportunity to offer your services and make them feel you really care. If they wish to discuss their recent loss, don’t hesitate to talk to the person about the deceased. Be a good listener. Sending a telegram expressing your sympathy is also appropriate.

Your presence at the visitation demonstrates that although someone has died, friends still remain. Your presence is an eloquent statement that you care.

Visitation provides a time and place for friends to offer their expression of sorrow and sympathy, rather than awkwardly approaching the subject at the office, supermarket or social activities. The obituary/death notice will designate the hours of visitation when the family will be present and will also designate the times when special services such as lodge services or prayer services may be held. Persons may call at the funeral home at any time during suggested hours of the day or evening to pay respects, even though the family is not present. Friends and relatives are requested to sign the register book. A person’s full name should be listed e.g. "Mrs. John Doe". If the person is a business associate, it is proper to list their affiliation as the family may not be familiar with their relationship to the deceased.

Friends should use their own judgement on how long they should remain at the funeral home or place of visitation. If they feel their presence is needed, they should offer to stay.

When the funeral service is over, the survivors often feel very alone in dealing with their feelings. It is important that they know you are still there. Keep in touch.

Sympathy Expressions
When a person calls at the funeral home, sympathy can be expressed by clasping hands, an embrace, or a simple statement of condolence, such as:

"I’m sorry."
"My sympathy to you."
"It was good to know John."
"John was a fine person and a friend of mine. He will be missed."
"My sympathy to your mother."

The family member in return may say:

"Thanks for coming."
"John talked about you often."
"I didn’t realize so many people cared."
"Come see me when you can."

Encourage the bereaved to express their feelings and thoughts, but don’t overwhelm them.

The family should acknowledge the flowers and messages sent by relatives and friends. When food and personal services are donated, these thoughtful acts also should be acknowledged, as should the services of the pallbearers. The funeral director may have available printed acknowledgement cards which can be used by the family. When the sender is well known to the family, a short personal note should be written on the acknowledgment card expressing appreciation for a contribution or personal service received. The note can be short, such as:

"Thank you for the beautiful roses. The arrangement was lovely.
"The food you sent was so enjoyed by our family. Your kindness is deeply appreciated."

In some communities it is a practice to insert a public thank you in the newspaper. The funeral director can assist you with this.

Grief Recovery
It is healthy to recognize death and discuss it realistically with friends and relatives. When a person dies, there is grief that needs to be shared. Expressions of sympathy and the offering of yourself to help others following the funeral are welcomed. It is important that we share our grief with one another. Your local funeral director can help family and friends locate available resources and grief recovery programs in your area.

from www.turnerporter.ca

Danksagung Muster

Anzeigentext  – Muster für eine Danksagung


Einer Danksagung wird vielfach ein besinnlicher Text oder ein Gedicht beigefügt. Gedicht
wir tragen still im Herzen
um dich ein grosses Leid,
doch in Erinnerung, da lebst du
bei uns für alle Zeit

Religiöse Motive, Blumen und andere Abbildungen werden vielfach den Anzeigen beigefügt. Vielfach wird auch ein Photo der verstorbenen Person publiziert. Motiv
      Text 1
für die grosse Anteilnahme und die Zeichen der Verbundenheit, welche wir beim Abschied von unserem lieben, unvergesslichen
      Hier wird der volle Name der verstorbenen Person aufgeführt. Meist ist einer etwas grösseren Schrift und in Fettdruck. Verstorbene(-r)
Hans Müller – Meier
      Text 2
erfahren dürften
Denken Sie bei der Verdankung an Seelsorger, (Haus-)Ärzte, Spitex, Pflegepersonal, Altersheim, Spital. Zudem verdanken Sie tröstende Worte, Karten, Blumen, Geldspenden, Kränze, Zuwendungen an wohltätige Institutionen. Text 3: Dank
Besonders danken wir:
– Herrn Pfarrer XXX für seine mitfühlenden und tröstenden Abschiedsworte;
– Dr. med. YYY, Olten und Dr. med ZZZ, Bern für die ärztliche Betreuung;
– der Spitex Davos und dem Pflegepersonal Davos für die liebevolle Pflege;
– für die zahlreichen tröstenden Worte, Karten, die schönen Blumen und Kränze sowie Gaben für späteren Grabschmuck;
– für die Spenden an das Pflege- und Altersheim Mutter Theresa in UUU;
– allen, die unserem Papa im Leben mit Liebe und Freundschaft begegnet sind.
[Ort], im Januar 200X
Die Trauerfamilien